SP AIR2 on Oceanic Flex?

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:06: Hello All,

I'm new to this forum. I will be buying some new regs for my wife and I and have pretty much settled on the SP MK16 and s550 setup.

I really like the SP AIR2 but don't know if it can be installed directly on an Oceanic Flex BC. Does any one have exerience with something like this. I understand the AIR2 comes with a larger low pressure hose but will the AIR2's orifice for the BC's infaltion/deflation hose mate correctly (i.e. are they a standard size)?

Any and all input/suggestions/advice welcome.

Jon P.
Any and all input/suggestions/advice welcome.
Why not get a real octopus?
Get her a real regulator. No one has ever been able to explain why an Air2 is a superior solution to a real second stage... because it isn't.
All I'm getting from you two above is conjecture and personal bias. Can you give me good technical info why an octo is better than the AIR 2 system and/or point me to some other place that can give a non-personal biased comparison?
Good technical info-

If you have a runaway inflator, the best way to stop that is to disconnect your inflator. Congratulations - you have just disconnected your life support system.

Let me put the shoe on the other foot - given the above, why don't you explain for us why you think it's a superior system?
I was told by my lds that it can be made to fit most bc's made. I have one and my brother wants one for his mares bc. The DM on my last dive just changed from an air 2 to some other (I think apeks, but not sure) and he said it breathes even better and the controls work better too! I like mine the way it is. As far as hoses, I believe there are a variety of thread adapters to match up the different brands available, but I really don't know for a fact. A SP dealer should be able to tell you the correct answer.
All I'm getting from you two above is conjecture and personal bias. Can you give me good technical info why an octo is better than the AIR 2 system and/or point me to some other place that can give a non-personal biased comparison?
Try looking here. This has been covered before.

I hardly consider asking why you don't want an regular octopus to be "conjecture and personal bias".
Jon is asking if he can put the Air 2 to on his BC, he is not asking for a debate on the relative merits of the Air 2.

To answer the question - as opposed to rehashing the Air 2 debate, of which the pros and cons are based solely on personal opinion and philosophy (and we do not need to go there again) - the Air 2 now comes with a variety of adapters to attach the Air 2 to just about any diameter corrogated inflator hose in use.
DA Aquamaster:
Jon is asking if he can put the Air 2 to on his BC, he is not asking for a debate on the relative merits of the Air 2.
Maybe he shouldn't have said "any and all input/suggestions/advice welcome." :wink:

DA Aquamaster:
To answer the question - as opposed to rehashing the Air 2 debate, of which the pros and cons are based solely on personal opinion and philosophy
Wow, that's the fastest I've ever seen someone dismiss an argument which actually has some valid reasoning behind it. There is more to it than just "personal opinion and philosophy".

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