About 1/3 of the shots are edited. The rest were taken on the camera presets. The ones that are green and blurred were taken with natural light using a filter. For natural light in murky water, you'd better have a tripod, under expose and correct them with a post-editing program. The flash makes a huge difference in freezing the action. The speed depends entirely on the settings. The fastest way to shoot is with manual focus. You can use the 4 "MY" settings to preselect the aperture, speed, focus, file size, flash settings, etc. A lot of my better pictures have been taken in the built in preset modes, especially UW Macro. If you want to shoot RAW or SHQ modes, yeah, you'd better be ready for about a 10 second wait between shots. This is especially true if you do RAW with a SHQ back-up. That hasn't been really a problem for me because if you're doing Macros, you really have plenty of time. The bigger issue for me has been my middle aged vision trying to see what mode I'm in so I can switch out of macro to get a prefocus action shot. So far I've missed whales, seals and dive buddies because a shot comes along and I'm still in Macro autofocus mode. Honestly though, most of this is my ineptitude. Now that I've had a few dives to play with it and get used to the tons of settings, I'm starting to get quicker on the draw. For a complete bozo with zero UW photography experience, this thing has really taken some remarkable pictures despite me. I can't wait to get my strobe and get rid of some of the backscatter.