I have about 50 dives off of South Carolina (Southern part, northern GA - ie beaufort - Savannah). The diving can be great, special, challenging and well - wish I had went to the beach instead. It is all about seas, tides, and weather. I have had unbelieveable dives on the Betsy Ross, J reef, Sagebrush, and spots only visited by the occasional fisherman. I've been on the Sagebrush with a school of Atlantic spadefish so thick you couldn't see the wreck and several large cobia on the bottom circling the wreck. I've seen the largest nurse shark I've ever seen on J reef wedged under the ledge (had to be 12') with a 5' turtle under the same ledge only a few feet away. I've enjoyed the navy towers - a dive where you sit still and watch the fish come by you. Sharks on the Betsy Ross. A special spot of live bottom off Beaufort where we found a large number of octopus dens (piles of shells around the dens) and where I had to tug to get back the top half of a two piece pole spear when a octopus wrapped an arm around it. I've seen 60'+ vis and 10' or less. I've also been blown out or had to deal with 6'+ seas. A bit of a boat ride to the good stuff, but when good, it can be very good.... I'm a native Carolinian, now living in Evans, GA.