Some upcoming projects and PSD's

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~..facebook conch..~
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Fort Myers, Florida -Resident Oranguman
I wanted to take a moment to bring people up to date on the many great happenings of the FWSC in development.

Tonight I met with the gentleman who is helping me make the Florida Watersport Safety Council (here after referred to as FWSC) and the game plan looks like 6 months to a year for development into a viable operating program. My first order of business is to write an article that may or may not be published in an upcoming regional magazine that has a 15,000 person subscription base. From that introduction, its expected that the concept will gain support (and maybe even donations) as an educational foundation for watersports safety in all respects. Things are going in the right direction I'd say!!! Incidentally, I welcome ideas and input into the article, can anyone guess what the topic will be?! :wink:

From there I move into a project that has been forming. Some of you already know about my purchase of a boat trailer that came with a boat on it. After looking the boat over and finding it aesthetically rough but sound, I have decided that it should be donated to one of the non-profit organizations that do research. I've already identified an organization which will benefit greatly from such a donation: the newly opened office for the Shark Research Institute branch located in Sarasota. Since this fix-er up donor boat is going to need some work by volunteers and some donations to purchase parts I have been thinking of FUN way's as possible to help make as many people a part of this project. In the end, all volunteers and donors will get their names on a plaque that will be mounted to the center console on the boat as part of a dedication for helping promote science and research.

Last but not least, I have been working on learning about public service dives taking place all around the state. Aside from Boca Grande Pass and the Ocean Watch Reef Clean-up dives, what else is going on when and where? Well... tonight I learned there is another such dive here in Lee County. It will simultaniously occur at both Ft Myers Beach and Pine Island (more details forth coming). I'll post the dives as I learn of them! If you know of one in your area, please post it up to share with others. Something to consider is the level of the dive that it could be, i.e., Boca Grande is a dive that is definitely not for newer divers but for advanced, skilled, experienced divers.. and even for them its a challenging dive.

I hope something here has sparked an interested in someone. Feel free to PM me with questions, concerns, or comments if you dont want to post here. :D
Very good Colin. Keep me in the loop...Would love to help out on the boat sometime
Great work, Colin.

We were talking this weekend about doing a reef/pier cleanup at Datura/Hibiscus/Anglin pier. Nothing fancy, just getting in the water with some shears and a goodie bag and bringing up as much as we can. Maybe we should do it as the FWSC and advertise it a bit. What do you think?

(I'm busy for the next two weekends, but I'm free on the weekend after that. Maybe we can do it then.)

Just a thought,
I think that these are things we can work with Ocean Watch on. It technically falls under their jurisdiction of events thats already being covered and it would show a good cohesiveness to do these events with them in return for support on our stuff when we're rolling.
I'm up for whatever Colin, just let me know

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