Some Silly Scubaboard ???'s

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Thunder Bay
# of dives
50 - 99
Hi Everyone...I tried searching for a thread on this but no dice.

I've got a couple of questions about how to do certain things when posting messages.

#1. How do you quote multiple people in the same message?

#2. How do you post a link where it says 'click here' or something other than just the standard http://www.thisiswaytooboringtodoitthiswayi' LOL

Sorry if these are repeat questions...if anyone can give me a nudge in the right direction that would be wonderful!!

Thanks so much.

#1. How do you quote multiple people in the same message?

Do the regular quote box for the first person (be sure to use [ quote=name ] and [ /quote ]), and then cut and paste the second quote, using the same quote codes...

#2. How do you post a link where it says 'click here' or something other than just the standard http://www.thisiswaytooboringtodoitthiswayi' LOL

highlight the URL to your link and plug it into the Insert Link window in Go Advanced. Then, between [ URL= ] and [ /URL ], type in what you want your link to say.

Does that answer your questions? :)
Basic HTML programming works here on the Board. Just like I can italicize, bold, and underline. I can also make my text red.

I, too, have problems *naming* my links. (I usually just click on the Insert Link icon above the message box.) Where is this Go Advanced feature that you write of? When I click on Insert Link, I only get the OK option or Cancel. Is this some sort of *right click* feature available only on PCs? I'm on a Mac, BTW.

TIA! :)
The way I name links is [ url= ]ScubaBoard[ /url ]. Don't include the spaces before and after the brackets though. I had to for it not to automatically link. It will then look like this: ScubaBoard.
When I click on Insert Link, I only get the OK option or Cancel. Is this some sort of *right click* feature available only on PCs?
Just highlight (don't copy) the text you want to be linked. While it's highlighted, click the Insert Link button and enter the url in the box. The link will insert and the text you highlighted will turn blue and be underlined.
Where is this Go Advanced feature that you write of?
Just go to the bottom of the page (underneath the Quick Reply text window).

Check your settings for the advanced editing options: Quick Links >> Edit options >> Miscellaneous Options >> Message Editor Interface (see the attached picture).

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