Some interesting questions?

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Mesa Arizona, The all beach no ocean state.
# of dives
100 - 199
As I was tyring to get my body back on USA time and not Asia time, here are a few scuba questions for the board?

1) With a 121ft steel tank can you do a DECO dive at 30

2) Do you consider it a good day if you talked with a stranger about learning to SCUBA?

3) Have you considered trading in your once used BC on the "New" model that just arrived?

4) Thought about building a pool in the back yard?
Ok Fishykiller.....heres my thoughts:

1) I dont have a clue! - ask some who does that kind of thing - i am the kind of diver that enjoys what she can do...and will stay that way till i know i can do more!!!

2)If it is true that a good day is talking scuba to a stranger.....jesus I have soooo many good days - when I sit at bus stops or on my own anywhere...someone will start talking to me so i start talking normally either gets the sitting next to me really interested....or if i dont want to talk to them i talk about deco times and stuff and tey run away bored!!!

3)NEVER - no way no how! Do you know how long it took me to find one that fitted me!!!!

4)Many times !!

Ok...hope thats helped (!?)
Hi Fishkiller

Interesting questions.

1. - I have no idea. Is this to be used for a "hang tank"?

2. - Yes, among other things.

3. - Once used? As in only used once? If you are talking about my used BC, I keep it to use when I'm lobstering on the reef. That way, if my BC gets speared by spiney sea urchin's, I don't feel as bad as I would if my new Classic gets a hole in it.

4. - Too late. Already have one.

question # 1 Who knoews ? Not I

question # 2 gotta concur with both luvdiving & scubababy
good day talking to anyone about diving and
always a good day when you talk too someone new.

question # 3 only teckies do this ..........don't they ?

question # 4 sorry, I have a lake in my back yard.

Question to pose to you: Do you u think the fish are getting PO'd cause we are invading their territory ??

Butch :peace:
Fishkiller,A lot of time to think on the plane?1.Yes and no ,all dives are deco dives but in traditional terms no.Even with a SAC of .37(the lowest guy I know of)thats still still .37x1.91=.71cft per min x 121 =85.91 min approx.well short of deco obligation.#2Yes#3no(snicker)#4Only when it's to windy to go anywhere else
Another interesting question....

Do any of us actually (and honestly) [red]S A V E[/red] our money before making a major gear purchase?

Or are you more likely to justify and rationalize the huge hit to your credit card?

And how often is a gear purchase a pure and simple impulse buy?
Like TM said I rationalize and justify haveing the huge hit on the credit card. It would probably be best to take the time and save the money. But I have this strange disease, every time i goto my LDS i have to buy something. I still looking for a cure or some kind of treatment but at this time non seems to be available.


There are thinge worse than taking a hit on the plastic.

I at a shop not my LDS but a diving shop none the less, Have a credit.(sizable).for reasons I haven't mentioned to anyone here before, have a credit at a dive shop that I could use but rather spend it for things at my LDS.

back to the to much time

I really have two 121ft LP steel tanks filled to normal compacity within safe limits have about 265 cubic feet of air available

ok back to the credit thing. Why wait for an order that will show up next week, when I can get it off the shelf today? Just wish I would've looked around more before instead of being lazy Shop X 2minutes from house The BEST LDS 5 minutes from house with the wind at my back.

Originally posted by Fishkiller
I really have two 121ft LP steel tanks filled to normal compacity within safe limits have about 265 cubic feet of air available

Sweet Jesus, my calculations tell me that in order for a LP121 to hold 265cft, it would have to be pumped to 5786PSI! I'd say she's subject to blow her top any moment. Sure you didn't mean 165cft?
What is a 121ft tank?
I am a brit who works in litres. is it the same as a 121 cu ft tank?

I take it you are from the other side of the pond.
I hope this does not sound facetious. Having just read it again ... it could be misconstrued as such ... no facetiousness intended

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