Just Saturday I was diving at around 30 feet when I spotted a a Jimmy Buffet CD laying on the bottom, I grabbed it and tucked it away when I noticed a nice lure. I grabbed the knife and cut it free and was stowing both when I suddenly noticed a large snake coming at me. At first I thought it an eel and then I was certain it was a big snake. Yep!!!!!!it is a snake, I was swatting at it, it was trying to bite me and somehow I grabbed it by the tail. This was bad!!!, Now if I had a buddy I could have given him the snake but being as I was solo I began twirling the snake about and it was trying to bite and I was swimming all over twisitng and turning all the while holding the snake by the tail. I was somewhat concerned as to my strategy not being all that smart so I grabbed my knife and then began trying to slice his head off and all the while he was still trying to bite me! I guess the snake decided he was not all that smart either and we called a mutual draw and I retreated at high speed as did he. Aside from being able to hand a buddy the snake and assuming willingness on his part to take it the only other advantage I see to having a buddy would have been getting his take on the entire episode. N