Solo diver at Ocotal, 6/30 - 7/4

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Miami Beach, FL
# of dives
0 - 24
i'm headed to ocotal beach resort the first week of july, will be diving solo. if anyone else will be there solo (or w/ a group w/ odd number of divers), it's always nice to meet new dive buddies. let me know!
Darn! I'm gonna miss you by one day. I arrive on July 5th and will be staying at Ocotol for a week. Hoping to get AOW while I'm there. Have a great time and safe diving.
thanks! i'll be sure to tell the sharks you're coming! i'm headed off to fortuna for the weekend to check out the volcano. have a great trip...
Same to you. Bring good hiking shoes and a pair of binocular for the topside activities. I visited Volcano Arenal during my first trip to Costa Rica. This is my second trip to Costa Rica but my first as a diver.

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