Question for anyone who has done a trip
On the Nautilus Belle Amie. What is the procedure for getting back on the tenders after a dive? Are their ladders or do you have to lever yourself over the side? If ladder question is yes do you climb up with gear on or do you take off and hand up BCD? I’ll be diving with steel 100 tanks plus 10lbs of weight so BCD will be rather heavy and at age 69 it’s not so easy for me to climb onto tenders anymore. Just want to know what to expect
On the Nautilus Belle Amie. What is the procedure for getting back on the tenders after a dive? Are their ladders or do you have to lever yourself over the side? If ladder question is yes do you climb up with gear on or do you take off and hand up BCD? I’ll be diving with steel 100 tanks plus 10lbs of weight so BCD will be rather heavy and at age 69 it’s not so easy for me to climb onto tenders anymore. Just want to know what to expect