Social Groups display

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Blacklight Poster
ScubaBoard Sponsor
Reaction score
Weston, FL
# of dives
Over the weekend, the display order of the posts in all the Social Groups I belong to changed.

I used to use a saved link for all of them in this format to see the newest post:

It looks like there is now the ability to have multiple topics in one social group and I'm guessing that's what changed the view.

Can someone explain the changes and tell me a way link to the newest posts in the group??
Social Group Discussion Threads
  • Messages in Social Groups are now threaded into 'Social Group Discussions'.
  • Discussions are sortable by creator, replies and last post.
  • Discussions can be filtered with a simple full text search on titles.
  • Discussions can be managed with Inline Moderation to soft delete, physically remove, approve and unnapprove them.
  • Discussions are Read Marked using both database and cookie methods, with a jump to go to first new post.
  • Users can subscribe to discussions and receive email notifications on new messages.
  • Subscribed discussions with new posts are aggregated in the User CP.
  • Individual Discussions have social bookmarking links (user defined, such as Digg, StumbleUpon etc).
  • New 'Can Always' permissions to create and view both discussions and messages, simplifying access.
  • Posts are now ascending, which is more intuitive in threaded discussions.
  • Users can configure their groups so that only the group owner can create new discussion threads.
  • Moderated and Deleted discussions are aggregated in the User CP where the user has moderator permissions.
  • Moderation permissions are separated for discussions and threads, including deletion.
  • Social Group info is hidden when entering a discussion or viewing pages of results to move focus to discussions.
Social Group Changes
  • Social Groups are Read Marked using both database and cookie methods, based on new messages or discussions.
  • Social Groups can be subscribed to, adding group aggregation to the User CP.
  • Social Groups now belong to a category.
  • A group's category is displayed in the navigation breadcrumb, group lists and group info.
  • A new overview page displays a random group, your groups, new groups and groups that you created.
  • Groups that you created are navigatable via AJAX and display further information about the group, including pending members and moderated items.
  • A category cloud is displayed in the group overview with popularity weighting based on the number of groups.
  • Groups can be filtered by category, via the category cloud or advanced search.
  • Social Groups can now have a group icon. The icon is displayed in the group info, and a thumbnail version is used in group listings.
  • Icons are displayed on the User Profile page for groups that the user is a member of.
  • Social Groups can now be transferred between users. The group will only be transferred if the recipient accepts the transfer.
Unfortunately, changing the post sort order is not an option at this moment.

Only discussions (e.g. threads) within a Social Group can be sorted on Creator, Number of Replies or Last Post.
Subscription 101:

You can also use Discussion Tools -> Subscribe to This Discussion to create a link in your User CP. That link will point to the most recent post in the discussion.

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