I was reading through these but I don't think I can go 69 pages. My bit (note: my job continues, though how we do things is different these days):
1.) Just finished a butcher job on the hideously overgrown boxwood bushes out front. Left the piles of trimmings, which not only will serve as mulch, but as a mix of green and brown should also be free compost. Win-win.
2.) Spend time on Quora, an online community with a plethora of different topics inviting input. Whatever you're into, someone is asking about it.
3.) Pulled into accompanying our 7-year old on a bike trail; she's taken to bike riding quickly.
4.) Continue working on annual family Blurb book. This last one is something others might find interesting. A few points:
1.) The software to make the book (BookWright) is free.
2.) A big hard-bound landscape-size image wrap (way better than a dust jacket!) book is expensive, but they e-mail lots of sales - 25, 35, 40%...always wait for 40%, and you can get it for just one book. Don't be fooled with 35% off if you buy 3 or some such; wait them out. 40% Off photo books, even just one, comes out fairly often.
3.) You can add, delete and resize photo and text boxes on the desktop software, but I don't think you can on the web browser-based software. Max. page count with the high quality paper I like is 240 pages.
4.) When you're done with your book and ready to buy, for an extra fee you can have a PDF version generated, with is great to have on hand on a computer or to share with friends and family. This feature is why I use Blurb; I like the resizable insertable clip art and page backgrounds of Mixbook, but I didn't get the PDF or eBook option with Mixbook.
Each year, I make a book. Each month gets one chapter. I use a few pages at the end to put essays and such on topics I think are of enduring value (I'm an old Dad; won't always be around to tell this kid stuff). So, there's Kadence Family 201x each year.
I've made such books in the past covering cruises and dive trips. It's a good way to pull together special times in a sharable form.
If you don't need a PDF or eBook version, I liked Mixbook's approach better; it was browser-based, photos uploaded to their system, I could access and edit it from most anywhere and I opted for a lay-flat book (thick pages!) decorated with clip art and with nice page backgrounds - beautiful work on their part. Expensive!