To prevent an incident from re-occuring a root cause analysis must be performed. In some cases the root cause points to a device or a system... But in most cases it points to human error and a specific individual or the individual's attitude about safety. But to use the term "accident" obscures facts so that corrective measures are not implemented.....
The term ‘
accident’ is often bandied about loosely in modern life. Accident means something that happens without prior mediation; that is unintended, sudden and unexpected.
Most people would probably associate ‘accident’ with car crashes. On hearing, ‘John’s had an accident’ most would probably assume that John had been the victim of a mishap on the road.
However, the fact is that, while many ‘accidents’ may indeed be unintentional, they are the result of poor planning, negligence, carelessness, defective equipment, poorly maintained environment, and so on. A genuine accident has no repercussions for the person or people that caused or allowed it to happen.
Road accidents are rarely nobody’s fault. Yes, the person who triggers a crash may certainly not have wanted it to happen, but if they end up killing or injuring somebody it is often not sufficient for them to say ‘I didn’t mean to do it.’ If they have been driving dangerously, speeding, tailgating, drink-driving etc then they should be held responsible for their actions if they affect an innocent party.
ROOT CAUSE: Greed? Fear of job loss? Attitude? Lack of safety training and implementation?