Smokin in the Water

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Bob Evans

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Seattle, Washington
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
What do cigarette companies have in common with fins?

It wasn't long ago that everyone smoked tobacco, everywhere. So great were social influences that the military issued cigarettes to our soldiers. Those who were health conscious and did not smoke were the odd person out.

You see terrestris fins everywhere. Terrestris fins are those that enclose your foot like a shoe or extend off the end of your foot. If open heel they require a heel strap or they will come off when you kick. They are among those still issued, whether due to habit or cost, to new divers in the US military. Once a diver graduates into Special Forces then their fin choices expand to include Force Fins. Terrestris Fins are not the best to use. They might be the fins you are wearing in the water today.

Force Fins have "an open foot pocket, that allows the wearer to wiggle their toes, and cantilevers the force of the kick from the large muscles of the upper thigh." Wikipedia, swim fins, Force Fins.

Like cigarettes, Terrestris fins are pumped out of their robotic controlled plastic factories, at a low cost, with high profits to their distributors and the stores that sell the many variations of the design. Multiplicity - many companies and stores - selling virtually the same design influences social behavior. You are familiar with the look of a shoe and a paddle extending therefrom. You want to feel part of the pack. Your purchasing decision is based upon that familiarity. That is what the mass merchandisers depend upon in keeping you hooked on their easier to manufacture terrestris fins.

Force Fins are handcrafted in the USA by one Company, and only one Company. Its original founders still handle each and every pair that leaves their Santa Barbara warehouse.

If being one among many, an indistinguishable part of the pack is more important to you than common sense, then your choice of terrestris fins, other fins is vast. If you are free to think beyond your toes, then there is but one fin choice for your aquatic experience - Force Fin ...... For More Words of the Wise

Are you part of the pack or are you flying under the sea?
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Good photography, makes you think.
It is very difficult to change the habit of the people concerning "terrestris" or I call "traditional" fins.
I feel sorry for them because I dont change my Force Fins for ever fin in the World, really I cant dive without my Force Fins.
Many people tell me that the Force Fins are very expensive but really expensive is a traditional plastic cheap fins that sell until for 150 euros or more!

Josze, well a traditional fin is nothing more than a TERRESTRIS fin - a fin made more for walking in water. Not the best for us aqua beings.

As I stated I had a epiphany while helping my father. Once I have educated others about TERRESTRIS fin's we will see more Aqua-persons wearing Force Fin's. I have waited years to find the Achilles heel to the so called traditional fins now called TERRESTRIS fin.

Best Bob
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Bob, you're right better to say Terrestris
It is important to educate divers on the profits of Force Fin and how they work. Divers are filled with preconceived ideas and prejudices. We have to start from zero and teach, I call it stage "detoxification." That is why the Force Fin need a period of adaptation

Other people say to me, used the FF to currents? And the answer is YES: what is the reason for using a hard terrestris fin as a table If after 5 minutes got a cramp?. With Force Fins you can flutter kick intensely and longer with less effort than a terrestris fin.

Another important thing is that the terrestris fins (or Flintstones fins :)) are "dead". It is a plastic plate without reaction. The movement is wasting energy and strength of the diver. A Force Fin is "alive". Is reactive, it's like to have some springs in the feet that help you kicking under water.

Jose (I do not know why it was registered as Josze ... :confused:instead of Jose, but well,the important its to be here join the Force)
Smokin in the water II

Terrestris fins are those that enclose your foot like a shoe or extend off the end of your foot. If open heel they require a heel strap or they will come off when you kick. They are not Force Fins. They might be the fins you are wearing in the water today. They are not the best for your use in water. To find out why, take this challenge to test the propulsive characteristics of your fins.

Force Fins have "an open foot pocket, that allows you to wiggle your toes, and cantilevers the force of the kick from the large muscles of the upper thigh." Wikipedia, swim fins, Force Fins.

Force Fins are curved, or have internal structure on the underside of the blade that recoils and responds with a SNAP when you kick. That recoil and snapping action throws water behind at a faster rate than you can kick with any other fin, and resets and recovers your leg. The result is more thrust, but it is the Force Fin that propels you. Your leg muscles are allowed to relax with each kick. To kick and relax is to kick with a power and recovery.

Kicking Force Fins is much more efficient and will burn less air, and assist in building strength and better for cardiovascular conditioning, than pushing and pulling, with your toes pointed, against a flat terrestris fin extending from your foot.

Terrestris fins are flat. Humans have more strength when kicking their leg forward than when pulling a fin backwards. The difference between terrestris fins and Force Fins becomes dramatic when you must kick fast, or when under extra load as when rescuing your poor dive buddy who was foolish enough to wear terrestris fins on a challenging dive. Your muscles are not designed to continuously push and pull against a strain inducing load, made heavier by water density.

Like smoking a cigarette, rapidly pushing and pulling against a terrestris fin will cause lactic acid to build up in your muscles, and you to huff and puff from oxygen depletion.

If your in-water journey is to be huffing and puffing, with muscles burning from oxygen depletion, then your terrestris fin, all other fin selection is vast. If you choose to be free as an aquatic being, fluidly and efficiently moving through water, then there is only one choice, one fin that frees you from your feet and lungs - Force Fin......For More Words of the Wise
Hmm... Fact is cigarettes weren't issued with rations because they were so popular, they became so widespread BECAUSE the military issued them with rations.

I'm sure if ya 'issue' me a pair of forcefins I'll use em and spread the word :D
Well, now issued Terrestris fins in any course of diving ... for this reason and because they are very cheap, are so popular, but if you choose value efficiency (and comfort) over the price, your choice is Force Fin.

Kind regards

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