Slow Boat to Koh Tao

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Dallas, Tx
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0 - 24
Well Im sitting here at a restaurant in Chumphon just a few yards away from the last boat to Koh Toa for the day. It leaves at 21:30 and arrives at 5:30, not the fastest way to get there but the only way today.

Its a old boat, but appears to be made of metal from the rust running off of it. For a mere 300 baht I have a beautiful state room with luxury accommodations I have been told. Will there be a mint on my Pillow? We shall see!

Looking forward to exploring koh Tao from below water and above it. Hopefully I will have as much fun as I did on Little Corn Island in Nicaragua.

Sorry I was distracted by the constant pounding they are doing on the ship. Not sure if its repairs or an attempt at musical.

Note for those that take the same journey go to the restaurant on the river side if you would like to use the internet and its free.

As for the diving, I am thinking of doing my Dive Master on the island, but will take a few dives with the Dive Shops I like the looks of. I have found information on some of the dive shops but only a few, turns out there are about 30 on the island I have found so far but I suspect there are more. Since they turn out so many Cert Divers there.

Not much else to say at the moment just the approaching launch time, if I don't post tomorrow send out a search party LOL.
Sorry for the delay in My post as the traavil caught up with me once I arrived. But it was a interesting arrival we hit ground about 100m out. After a little wait a dive boar stopped by and took us to shore. I am on siaree beach for the moment going for my first 2 dives today, but this is not the environment for me on land. I would like something a little less busy, if you haveany suggestion for a slower pace.
Had a great time there at siaree village but the diving was perfect. Although every dive that I wasn't on they saw a whale shark! I have heard tails of divers searching the globe to swim with a whale shark I am just going to let it happen.
Good to see you you liked it!

It took me 6 years before I saw my first whale shark in the Gulf, after moving to Samui, where I'm now into my 11th year, it's a good idea to let it happen! I've seen a few more ever since but the first one was during a surface interval and initially I didn't believe that there really was a whale shark, I was enjoying my lunch and when about everyone was in the water in a rush, I had a look as well and lo and behold, there it was :cool2:

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