SiTech Antares Oval Dry Glove System. The glove system includes the Antares Oval Dryglove System plus the Oval Permanent Wrist System - which is permanently attached to the drysuit sleeves. You need both to make the system work. Includes the following components: (2) PU-Rings (glued to drysuit sleeve for attaching glove system), (2) Oval Stiff Rings, (3) Glove Rings (one extra as back-up), (2) Green Spanner Rings, (4) Blue Spanner Rings, (2) Support Rings, (2) Latex Wrist Seals, (2) Atlas Vinyl Gloves, Set of Extra O-Rings, Pressure Equalization Tubes, Lube Stick and User Manual. Antares Oval Dry System provides universal sizing and can accommodate any size glove. System is brand new - never used. $125.00. I will pay shipping in continental US.
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