Singles: HOW did you spend your Turkey Day Holiday?

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Spent the morning and afternoon with family, didn't eat a lot either. After cooking most of the day I get tired of the smell and that lessens my appeitite. Later spent time at a friends house and watched some movies :)

Went diving, ate dinner with friends and kid at a restuarant (first for me, I always have a homecooked meal somewhere), then invited friends over for dessert.
MASTER & COMMANDER has a couple of great underwater shots filmed by a scuba crew.

Great movie.

Russell Crowe has become a great Shakespearian style actor along the lines of Richard Burton. This show is now Crowe's 3rd in a row that has turned out to be great. (Gladiator & Beautiful Mind are the others, in case they are not familiar to you.)
Big-t-2538 once bubbled...
No no no....that would be "remove" 4 pounds for diving....

Hey silly....unless that temporary weight gain was muscle need to ADD the lead.....not remove it! LOL!!!

P.S. why is it that EVERY singles thread on this board has a post from you? are you secretly wishing you could give up the married life and join us single folk???? You sure seem to be VERY interested in what we have to say!!! LOL!!!
My Dad and I went to my brothers house. Mom couldn't go because she's sick and can't get near my sis-in-law who just had a heart attack. Yip Pee... would have rather stayed home!!
Sister and I are not seeing eye to eye right now. I did not want to be around so I stayed home. Walked 5 miles and made my self some liver and onions for dinner. Yummmmy. No sweets for me that day.
To spend time with my mom and to see my sister and brother. I'm the only one that fell from the tree of life and then flew away :) it was nice to see them it dosnt happen that often for me to go there because I spend most my bucks on scuba gear and trips!. my brother dose live in long Beach tho. so i could justify going and seeing him more often. other than that I stuffed my face Big Time. i might not even have to have a weight belt with weights on it to sink. Mike
I'd been living out of the country for quite a while, so I got to spend Thanksgiving with family for the first time in many many years! It was great -- cold up north, but great. :)

harisenbon once bubbled...
I'd been living out of the country for quite a while, so I got to spend Thanksgiving with family for the first time in many many years! It was great -- cold up north, but great. :)


That is really great!!! I know what it is like to be a long ways away from family! Glad you got to see them! We were hoping for the same thing with my mom for turkey day...but her closing had fallen thru 2x so far and so now we are aiming for doing Christmas! The third and hopefully final closing is tomorrow...fingers crossed it goes thru this time! So the only other downside was I could have gone diving to make myself feel better if I'd known sooner! Oh well...
It *is* good to be with family on those days, isn't it? I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you for Christmas!

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