Silly Suit Shrinking Question

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This may sound silly but here goes:

Did my suit shrink? :06:

Background and Sources of Confusion:
I bought a ladies 9/10 SeaQuest 7mm wetsuit in 1997. It's a one piece backzip with step in hooded vest. I have always despised the vest and have worn it a very limited number of times. I wear the suit now to dive and it still fits, fits better in fact. I used it a lot when I first got it then it got limited use during college and now I use it a lot and it keeps me nice and warm. However the vest is a different story. It was a tad snug when I first got it and now there is just NO getting into it. Did it shrink? I admit to a considorable weight gain since the purchase but why then does the rest of the suit fit ok? If the vest did shrink is there anything I can do about it or should I just be quiet and get a new one?
Dont worry, neoprene does shrink after a while... but people will always have a sceptic smile when you tell them that you cant fit in your suit because it shrank. It's a very old diving joke.
No seriously, I can get into the suit fine with minimal wiggling and undecorious hopping around but I can't even get both sides of the zipper on the vest within 4" of eachother. I'd post illustrative photos if it weren't embarassing.
Any possibility that it was mixed up on a dive boat???
Has happened, you know.

Bet you may even find a good home for it here on the ScubaBoard.

the K
Nope, I don't boat dive now and the vest never came along when I did boat dive, it is definately my vest. Forget hopping, think nearly epileptic flailing, no way I could get in the vest without the assistance of a very large strong buddy and even if I did get into it I'd faint like those poor ladies who wore corsets so there is no point in putting it on. Maybe I can find somebody slim who wants to swap something since the vest is in great condition.
maybe the suit is a stretchier neoprene. And the vest is a lower quality neoprene, perhaps less stretchy to begin with and got even less so over time.
Very good point, thanks for all the input on this little conundrum gang :D I need to find a petite lady who wants to swap it for a knife sheath or something...
Before you give up on it I know someone who used to (had to?) soak his paddling wetsuit in warm water at the start of every season. He would soak it for a while then put it on and wear it around a bit. He swears that it worked great.

Another friend of mine had trouble zipping his suit at the start of this season. He hadn't been diving in a few years and it did shrink a bit. A few dives later it seems to fit ok (at least he can zip it).

I did wash it last night, I'll try it but it'll be a miracle, I seriously can't get it to close around my middle. Maybe I should stand on it and yank to stretch it a bit while wet?

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