Silicone neck seal rolling back onto itself due to length

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Received my Seaskin nova trilam w user replaceable siflex neck seal. Found it to be too tight and too long so cut two rings off. Tightness is better, however I noticed that it still “bunches up” and is almost impossible to get it to sit flat against my neck (it curls/rolls down after a small amount of time), however it appears to still keep the water out.

Are silicone neck seals supposed to roll down and not sit fully flush against the neck at the top?

Worried about cutting more off to the point where it won’t be tight enough.

I don’t have a “short” neck so I’m really perplexed by this since I know some people dont even cut it at alll…
With the DUI silicone seal it is similarly too long for my neck. I have to really pull down the excess while holding the top up at the right height to get it to seal well.
Received my Seaskin nova trilam w user replaceable siflex neck seal. Found it to be too tight and too long so cut two rings off. Tightness is better, however I noticed that it still “bunches up” and is almost impossible to get it to sit flat against my neck (it curls/rolls down after a small amount of time), however it appears to still keep the water out.

Are silicone neck seals supposed to roll down and not sit fully flush against the neck at the top?

Worried about cutting more off to the point where it won’t be tight enough.

I don’t have a “short” neck so I’m really perplexed by this since I know some people dont even cut it at alll…
I had the same experience. Had to cut off three rings to make it fit well, and it still felt a little awkward and bunchy. It did seal well, but I didn't really like the concentrated squeeze on just a small area of my neck, since I couldn't get it to sit very flat. I dove it about 12 times and then switched out for a waterproof brand neoprene neck seal that fits in the same sitech neck ring. It folds under and distributes the pressure much better, much warmer too when the water temp gets in the low 40f range, especially when just slightly overlapped with the hood. If I REALLY crane my neck looking around for a wayward teammate, I might get the smallest trickle of water, but its 99.9% watertight and much more comfortable. I'm only going to back to silicone when I tear my first neoprene neck, and then only as long as it takes to get a new one.

The silicone is just fine for my wrist seals though, they sit nice and flat.
Is the seal still very tight? That may cause it to roll. I hate to say trim more off without knowing how tight it is (you cant put it back on if you go too far obviously). Do you have a knowledgeable person who can help you with advice on how much to trim? LDS maybe?

Neoprene is the way to go in my opinion. They may leak a little because they don't conform as closely to every tendon and muscle in the neck (or wrists) but they are dry enough and more than make up for it in comfort, durability and longevity vs latex/silicone.
My DUI silicone neck seal is the same way. It’s a problem with cone-shaped seals, as opposed to bottle-shapes ones, compounded when the wearer doesn’t have a thick neck. Don’t cut off more rings than necessary for a good fit or you’ll risk leaking. Instead, you’ll just have to deal with pulling down the excess until you get the top to sit flush against your skin.

You could go with roll-under neoprene neck seal, as others have said. I’ve never had luck with them fitting me properly, so I just deal with the long silicone seal.
Don't trim it if it's not uncomfortable. At least not just yet. Silicone is not usually too tight, but it might be cumbersome if this problem persists.

It's not a problem if it rolls down but, just don't have an overlap or folds poking out. Use it for a few dives before deciding if you need to trim it. You might just get used to it, or decide you can't deal it.
Try pulling some of the excess down so the edge of your neckseal sits at a slightly wider portion of your neck. I find this helps to get my silicone neck seal to not roll.

But regardless, rolled or not, if it keeps the water out, then it is doing its job.

Give the seal a few dives to relax and stretch naturally. Mine was very uncomfortable at first but after a couple hours it is perfect. I haven't cut any rings and don't notice any bunching under my warm neck. I only concern myself with the top edge being flush and not folded or creased, everything beyond that has zero affect on the silicone being able to seal.
You want edge of your seal just above your Adam's apple. If it's below it or all the way up where your neck is starting to widen, it will roll up.
When donning suit, set it as high as it can go and then pull down on seal base until it's where it needs to be.
I had the same experience. Had to cut off three rings to make it fit well, and it still felt a little awkward and bunchy. It did seal well, but I didn't really like the concentrated squeeze on just a small area of my neck, since I couldn't get it to sit very flat. I dove it about 12 times and then switched out for a waterproof brand neoprene neck seal that fits in the same sitech neck ring. It folds under and distributes the pressure much better, much warmer too when the water temp gets in the low 40f range, especially when just slightly overlapped with the hood. If I REALLY crane my neck looking around for a wayward teammate, I might get the smallest trickle of water, but its 99.9% watertight and much more comfortable. I'm only going to back to silicone when I tear my first neoprene neck, and then only as long as it takes to get a new one.

The silicone is just fine for my wrist seals though, they sit nice and flat.
Really good to hear. I’m also planning on getting a waterproof brand neo neck as my replacement/super-cold-water option

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