Silicone grease for oly housings

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Grand Rapids Michigan
# of dives
200 - 499
I know Oly says to only use there grease with their orings in the housings. Has anyone used other then the oly grease, like the stuff they have in the dive shops in the little tubs? did you have any issuse using the other grease if you did.
Erm, ummm. Maybe I should have read the owners manual :D Yesterday I greased the ring with the little dive shop grease tub and nothing bad's still early though.
Ber :lilbunny:
That little container of grease that you find next to all the clips and things is BAD for o-rings. If you use it for a while it will swell your o-ring, it streaches it out alot. I made the mistake of using that stuff, and ended up flooding a camera. Use the sea & sea or Ikelite grease. Talk to the guys at they will tell you the same thing.
Oly uses a silicone O-ring. The pure silicone grease is a solvent for it. Oly uses a grease designed for silicone o-rings. I've had mine for two years and haven't come close to using up the original tube. I'd stick with it. It's not really that expensive and you only need to pull the o-ring and grease it occasionally.
This is why my husband normally takes care of the camera :D There was sand on the o-ring so I wiped it down and re-greased it. Thanks for the info!
Ber :lilbunny:
Ber Rabbit:
Erm, ummm. Maybe I should have read the owners manual :D Yesterday I greased the ring with the little dive shop grease tub and nothing bad's still early though.
Ber :lilbunny:

I can tell you from prior experience that generic silicone grease will break down and stretch out the Olympus O-rings rendering them unusable.

As Larry stated it is a solvent.

The label on the Olympus grease is misleading as their wording is lost in the English translation. The Olympus Silicone Grease is for use on Olympus Silicon O-rings. It does not translate to the grease is made of silicone but rather it is for use on silicone rubber.

I wish Olympus would re-word their labels.
I never knew there were diff types of silicone grease. My Inon and canon housing came with their own grease...i've always used inon grease for both cus it's a tub and more convenient to open/close and it's less messy. should I go back to the stock tube of grease that came with the canon housing? didn't know grease could get so complicated! LOL
I will confirm it too - Oly grease for oly, Inon for Inon - nothing else...Flooded my first camera because I used the wrong one :(

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