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Get a length of metal pipe, drill a hole in it and put a lanyard through the hole. Hold the lanyard so that half the pipe is on the water and the other half is up out of the water. Beat on the pipe with a hammer. It can be heard a long ways off.
Some guys I dive with fire a 3 round burst in the water for recall, but I understand that is frowned upon in polite company.
james croft:
Some guys I dive with fire a 3 round burst in the water for recall, but I understand that is frowned upon in polite company.
How rude! We never do more than a double tap.
Get a length of metal pipe, drill a hole in it and put a lanyard through the hole. Hold the lanyard so that half the pipe is on the water and the other half is up out of the water. Beat on the pipe with a hammer. It can be heard a long ways off.

YUP, they call me like that all the time, banging it on the ladder.
Call me anthing you want, just not late for dinner?
Call me anthing you want, just not late for dinner?

For you we shall construct a metal pipe triangle and ring the "dinner bell" :eyebrow:
Ber :lilbunny:

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