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Port Tack

Reaction score
Daphne, Alabama
# of dives
25 - 49
What kind of signal can the person left on the boat use to get the attention of the divers? We have quick pop-up thunderstorms and I can think of other situations where the person on the boat would need to get the attention of the divers. Thanks

Well, you used to be able to toss a Cherry Bomb over the side but the Peoples Repulik of Amurika made those illegal. N
Start the engine - sometimes works, unless there's a lot of traffic in the area. If it's got a metal hull, you can bang a hammer on it... of course if there's a lot of boats it's hard to hear that kind of racket...

Saw a movie once where there was a tremendous fuel spill and then fire... that should get some attention!
I like the idea of a cherry bomb. Ha ha ha! Forget signaling...just for fun.

Seriously though, lean over the side and bang metal on metal to get their attention. Depending upon the traffic, an engine start would not be an unusual noise to get their attention.

Weekend before last we were doing solo dives on a 100' wreck. The largest fishing vessel I have ever seen, with a 15' draft as marked on her waterline, came within 30 yards of my boat as it approached Gloucester Harbor. I had my dive colors a flyin' of course. I knew my buddy heard that one! I actually waved my flag toward the vessel to get their attention. When my buddy surfaced I knew what he was going to say. He had never heard a boat so vividly while diving.

Not sure what that reply meant, but it was interesting!

Not a good idea to use the motor for your recall signal, you don't want divers surfacing if a moron comes too close to your boat.
You can rev the motor in neutral. Vroom, Vroom, Vroom over and over means come

You can also hang a piece of pipe over the side and whack it with a hammer.

Those underwater loudspeakers work well, but are pricey. One of the local dive boats
has one, and sounded recall. I heard it .3 nm away, and a buddy heard it .8 nm away.
Use two pieces of metal pipe or a pipe/hammer or something like that to make noise. There are also air-horns that attach to a BC inflator hose that make noise above and below water.

Whatever you use, use a specific pattern of bangs (3 short blasts, SOS, etc.) and cover it in your dive briefing so the divers know what to listen for.

Even if you're not a commercial operation and just a bunch of people diving off a private boat, you should do some sort of dive briefing to make sure everybody is on the same page for safety reasons.

Got insurance?
Divers that have surfaced use those orange inflatable tubes to tell you to come pick them up. From that, we must assume that the best recall is to tie a rock to one of those and hang it upside down on a float next to the boat when you want them to come to you. When they don't come, assume they all died in a tragic accident and call in a search party.

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