Sidemount Spearfishing??

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I know this might be a weird question... But how doable is it to spearfish on a sidemount setup?
I am just now getting into sidemount diving and all my spearfishing has been done using a back mount setup...
Any one of you spearfishing using a sidemount setup?

I greatly prefer doing it in backmount, but I've done it a couple times in sidemount, it's certainly feasible, though I would imagine that STS is much easier since the single tank allows your right arm to be a bit more mobile and you don't have to deal with reg switching....
Uh, go spear a sizable fish with a side-mount setup... and you'll answer your question. Now, if you're quarry is holed up in a crevice that requires a side-mount rig to get to, I'll quit being so patronizing. :D
Uh, go spear a sizable fish with a side-mount setup... and you'll answer your question. Now, if you're quarry is holed up in a crevice that requires a side-mount rig to get to, I'll quit being so patronizing. :D

Like I said... I'm just starting to get into sidemount diving!
Cool. Better to spearfish side-mount than not spearfish at all! Keep us posted... I just have visions of your shooting line wrapped around your cylinders and bruised elbows.
Cool. Better to spearfish side-mount than not spearfish at all! Keep us posted... I just have visions of your shooting line wrapped around your cylinders and bruised elbows.

Yep... probably! Sounds like I'm going to have to buy a BCD just to go spearfishing!

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