Side mount diving in Galapagos

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My husband and I are recreational side mount divers since 2013 - about 150 dives on side mount, have owned our own kit since 2015 and feel comfortable in it. Lots of SM off boats, have dove it in surge/drift negative entry/cold water. We are headed to Galapagos in August and were told we likely are not be able to dive side mount on the boat as they don't do "technical diving". Plan was to reduce to a single side mount with counterweight for dinghy dives where space is limited and drift is high (ie Wolf/Darwin). We have dedicated side mount gear (Katanas) as we cavern dive as well, and would have to purchase or rent backmount. Opinions on sidemounted in Galapagos? And if we need to purchase new gear, any suggestions on something that is more versatile (gives us option of SM and BM)? Problem is we are Canadian and dive dry, cold, travel tropical, cavern... any jack of all trades that is less of a master of none? Previously had a Hollis SMS 100 that fit that bill (but was a beast to back in a carry on) that we replaced with a smaller dedicated SM system but lots of boats complain about SM set up...
Is it just a particular boat that is saying "No" or all of them? I've been on a couple of Aggressor boats where divers in sidemount, single and dual tanks, were unremarked upon.
Is it just a particular boat that is saying "No" or all of them? I've been on a couple of Aggressor boats where divers in sidemount, single and dual tanks, were unremarked upon.
Being told by the intermediary that they don’t do “Tec” diving in Galapagos so we can’t use side mount. I’m wondering if it is due to drift set up and messing around with extra tanks etc that is the issue. Offered to single tank dive. Having not dove in Galapagos myself yet, just wondering if someone who has dove there can remark upon the feasibility.
Having not dove in Galapagos myself yet, just wondering if someone who has dove there can remark upon the feasibility.
Just my experience, but the underwater surge can get really wild at Darwin & wolf. I had dives that I was going 15 feet forward and 15 feet back to my starting spot. Some dives you are hanging on rocks and look like you are on a bull rodeo in circles or wedged with your knees gripping a boulder. It's 30 hours off the coast in the middle of nowhere and you just don't know what you will get underwater. If you think you can hold perfect horizontal trim in the surge, you can't. You also are probably diving off inflatables and we took our gear off in the water before getting back onboard while the crew lifted it up & different boats do it otherwise. It's an exciting advanced dive site !!
Hi @cballermann

I've only done 12 weeks on liveaboards and have yet to see side mount used. This includes three different operators to Cocos, Galapagos, Revillagigedos twice, and Malpelo twice.

I'm not very familiar with side mount and am not sure what the objection to single side mount would be.

Best of luck on your trip
Friends of ours dive single tank side mount, and the LOB we used in the Galapagos accommodated them. It was the Calipso, if you’re wondering.

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