diver 85
deleted - how do you guys paste a photo into the post?
Click on the 4th from-the-right-end icon above(when you put the curser over it, it'll say "Insert Image")....Left click on it & follow the 'directions' ie is it from your computer OR hosted somewhere on the internet(URL address).......I have to uncheck the box that says 'Retrieve remote file and reference locally' for URLs.........Now copy & paste whatever you have in the appropriate box....Hope this helps.......
---------- Post added April 13th, 2014 at 07:07 PM ----------
Stoo--that looks like a monster comin' @ me.

---------- Post added April 13th, 2014 at 07:09 PM ----------
After every dive excursion y add a new one. Could be a pic taken by myself or a pic that someone took of me.
Can keep up with weight gain or loss that way, .great idea.......