Well, when I started WeightWatchers in 2003 (the week before Lent began) with my wife I weighed 251.4 and my 1st goal was WW's standard 10% target. I actually hit that fairly soon -- 10 weeks into the program. Really hovered in the 25-30# lost range for quite a while as the WW goal weight range for my height puts me at the weight I was in college doing 2hr/day, 6x/week workouts on the crew team (that's rowing). Didn't think that was really going to happen! My doctor had suggested about 18 months earlier that I get down to about 220 (which was about a 40 drop from where I was at the time). During my physical in March, I asked for a "perscription" for a true goal weight (which WW allows to override their recommended range). I got that as 205# so that's my goal (actually, I'd like to get to and stay at about 200. His "formula" for recommended weight was:
Male: 106# for the first 5' of height plus 6#/inch then +/- 10%
Female: 105# for the first 5' of height plus 5#/inch then +/- 10%
For me: 106 + 6*(74-60) = 190 (+/- 19)# ==> 171 - 209
For 6'2" woman: 105 + 5*(74-60) = 175 (+/- 17.5) ==> 157.5 - 192.5
I think the WW range is 155-187 which seems to satisfy my belief that it's biased toward women.
I want to be under my goal weight by July (which is a rate of about a pound per week).