Hey all. We are headed back to Cozumel in a couple of weeks on yet another cruise. LOL We are fairly new divers, I only have 2 open water dives myself, 1 in Cozumel a year ago and 1 in Grand Cayman 6 months ago. On this trip, my son will be making his first open water dive with me. So, I am looking for a great location. We obviously arent staying at any resort but we need to rent all the equipment except mask. The dive I did there ast year was pretty plain. I know they had some hurricanes wipe a bunch of their reefs out. So I would like to find a spot with nice underwater scenery. Im trying to find something to reserve a couple spots if needed pretty quick to be safe. Thanks for the info and advise.
Given that you are both brand new divers, with less than 5 dives under your collective belts, I would highly, highly discourage you from shore diving in a place you are unfamiliar with. In the open water course, we teach that you should dive with a local guide when you are new or unfamiliar with an area regardless of the fact that you are now certified. Even from the shore, currents can be strong and there is significant boat traffic. You will be far safer and have a much more enjoyable experience by booking a two-tank boat dive with a reputable operator and hiring a private DM. With a private DM, you will be able to dive the depth you are comfortable with and you will have the expertise of a local guide to help with issues such as proper weighting, buoyancy, desents and ascents, safety stops, etc. as well as show you interesting marine life and assist in keeping you safe - and you will actually be on the reef, not on a barren shore dive. You will not be pressured into diving beyond your comfort zone and you will have a fabulous time!