Shop drains tank before fill

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I thought partial pressure filling was gone fifteen years ago until seeing Florida . West Coast does fills up to 40% with no special annual oxygen clean inspection required . I would be spending thousands a year cleaning 12 tanks . Happy New Year fellow divers
I have seen it work, like @rjack321 said, I was dubious too and a non-believer 😂

Analysed it, not happy, the guy rolled it a bit and tank was re-analysed and it matched what was required.
It's bitch rolling doubles and triples. lol
but probably not.
is this a particular brand of humour
Some shops in Cave Country will fill tanks without even unloading from the truck. I put them in the water trough because it makes enough difference to me.
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Fill all tanks to 4k and let them cool to 3600. No water required.

Amigos in FL made this an amazingly easy part of my day. New owner was great to deal with. (I did not even see water there, maybe I missed it?)

Personally I don't use water, but my at home compressor is only 5cfm.. so fairly slow. I get a pressure drop, but account for what that will be when filling. Sometimes for deco tanks I have to drain to refill, just depends on the next dive planned and what I need.

I would not empty tanks for nitrox, just use a stick or dive air if appropriate.. few min more deco. It would take longer for me to drain and fill then the time I'll spend on deco.

And I find I need to just leave the tanks on there side after mixing and leave overnight too. Also, only add O2 and top off through one post. I made the mistake one time of adding O2 through one post and filling through the other. Wildly different mixes and had a dive planned a few hours later.. they mixed but that was not something I want to repeat.


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Wet filling is dumb. Just put a couple hundred more PSI in and be done with it.

Having learned to fill tanks on a wet fill station; whips definitely get dropped in the water, splashes certainly happen, water gets on the floor, and if there is the angled shelf in front (which is the only way to prevent MORE drops and splashes), pulling tanks out is murder on the fill station operators back. I can't imagine filling doubles that way, my back hurts just thinking about it. Imagine doing 100 lb deadlifts, but with the barbell 2.5 feet away from your feet.

If you want an equivalent increase of efficiency/chance of damage or injury ratio, just have the fill monkey wearing roller skates. They could carry tanks back and forth so much faster!
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No, like this.
If you are going to stop for fills, stop for all the fills.

is this a particular brand of humour
No. You asked if those tank O rings looked damaged, and I replied "It's hard to tell from the photo, but probably not." Nothing funny about that. It appears they have been used in a steel tank with beveled opening, but in the photo I can't see evidence of any actual damage to these O rings. If you were to put brand new O rings (with round cross section) in the same tanks / valves, they will also take on the same triangular cross section after a while, but likewise will not actually be damaged when they do so.
It's bitch rolling doubles and triples. lol
Yes it is, but I have seen it done. It's pretty inefficient, but you can flip them end over end a few times, side over side a few times, and/or rock the doubles back and forth on one side for a while and then the other side for a while. To me it did not seem to be of much value, but it made the guy filling the tanks and doing the flipping and rocking feel better, so....

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