shrwdtech once bubbled...
The part you refer to in the Maximus Second stage was 2nd stage orifice.
If failed on a grand total of 2, World Wide out of all of the regs manufactured in 1999-2002. In cooperation with the US Consumer Protection Safety Commission, and with their help, Sherwood instituted a voluntary recall of the effected units.
I myself still have one of the effected regs and have as of yet to install the upgraded part. Not to say it isn't important, I've just not done it yet. I don't use it much, preferring my Oasis.
There was no litigation, and no pressure from anybody to institute this recall except from Sherwood internally. When the 2 effected units were returned to Sherwood and inspected, it was then decided that something could and should be done.
Also, you mention the regulator not breeding confidence due to this recall. I guess, in our defense I'd ask what it is you are diving with? Not trying to start any mud slinging, but just want to make you aware that in the 23 years I've been involved in scuba every single regulator manufacturer has been involved in either a voluntary or a forced recall of one sort or another. Just since 1997 alone, Sherwood (I'll name us first to be fair), Oceanic, Atomic, Zeagle, Apex, Scubapro, US Divers/Aqualung, Poseidon and U.S.I. have all experienced a recall for one reason or another on their regulators.
This may not sound good, on the surface, but be comforted by the fact that we (the manufacturers) are working to minimize these troubles, identify them when they do surface and repair them before there are any problems every single day.