Zboss-Although I've had to nudge the nose of a couple of sharks to divert thier direction,and I'd read about a few shark attack victims trying to poke the shark in the eyes after they were bitten-and I always thought that I'd probably try that too as a last resort if I suddenly found myself in the jaws of a large shark-so as I've re-read of your many "wrestles to the death" with the "great monster of the sea",several questions came to mind......1) What all species of shark have you wrestled with and which ones were the most common that you had to defend yourself against? 2) So that we may learn from your experiences,what parts of the globe did these experiences occur with each species? 3) What did you have to do in the 3/100 times that "going for the eyes" didn't work to save yourself? 4) Which of the shark species would you say gave you the most trouble,that is,was your most difficult opponent? 5) Is there any reason that you can discover that you've had to do this so often,ie,are you running a shark feeding operation,a cameraman during feeding frenzies, or somthing like that? 6) Do you actually have to stab them in the eye,or can you just stab them fairly close to the eye,or will stabbing them any where else work? 7) You must have some amazing stories to tell-please tell us more. I'm just glad you survived to live and tell the "rest of the story"...Peace.....Saildiver.