shark attack off brisbane australia

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Shark victim's cries mistaken as joke

By Jade Bilowol

January 08, 2006

A WOMAN desperately called out "Shark!" seconds before being mauled to death in a frenzied attack by up to three of them – but onlookers thought she had been joking.

The sharks struck as the 21-year-old victim was swimming with friends at Amity Point, off Queensland's North Stradbroke Island, about 5.30pm (AEST) yesterday.

Within seconds they had torn off both the woman's arms and savagely mauled her torso and legs.

Two fishermen were the first to react, dragging her out of the water onto the beach.

Frantic bystanders scrambled for towels to stem the bleeding before a helicopter rushed the stricken woman to Brisbane's Princess Alexandra Hospital where she died of shock and massive blood loss.

The horror of the pack attack has stunned the carefree holiday haven just east of Brisbane.

Beaches have been closed as police and fishermen search waters off the Moreton Bay island for the shark that attacked in waist deep water yesterday.

Inspector Peter Harding said today all beaches within a two kilometre stretch both east and west of the fateful spot – known as Rainbow Channel – had been closed.

In the first detailed description of the tragedy, Insp Harding said the victim had been swimming with three friends from a church group when she was attacked.

"She went down under the water ... after about five or six seconds the deceased came out of the water and screamed `Shark' and of course people at the time thought she was only joking ... until they saw the blood," he said.

Two nearby fishermen managed to get the stricken woman from the water and onto the beach.

But the injuries were so catastrophic that little could be done.

She was airlifted to Brisbane's Princess Alexandra Hospital, where she died 50 minutes after the attack.

Insp Harding said the extent of the woman's injuries indicated it was a pack of bull sharks, noted for their aggressive nature at this time of year.

"She was bleeding quite heavily – I'm of the opinion of what I've seen and what I've been told, there was more than one shark involved, there could have been up to three," he said.

He said beaches east and west of Amity Point – which ironically bears a similar name to the fictitious Amity Island, where swimmers were savaged in the movie Jaws – would be closed "for a while" as a precautionary measure.

He said police divers and fishermen were trying to hunt down the sharks to "retrieve what we can".

"If we found them I suppose we would try to retrieve them and see if they have any body parts," Insp Harding said.

"Realistically it's virtually impossible."

Insp Harding said some locals won't go near Rainbow Channel, which he described as one of the deepest in Moreton Bay, "at any time".

"After Friday night's storm – the water was very murky and dirty, in fact so much so one of the locals of there wouldn't go in and dive," he said.

Despite earlier reports, Insp Harding said there was no dog with the woman at the time of the attack, and that the woman was swimming in water "anything from chest-deep to 30 feet".
What a horrible story. I watch Shark Week every year on the Discovery Channel and I'm huge shark fanatic.... All of the conditions in which she was attacked are so consistant to other attacks....murky, dirty water; the time of day it happend etc... So tragic and sad, my sympathies go out to her family.......=(
Wow thats unbelievable. I am a shark fanatic as well. But also with the murky, and dirty water, there was a storm that could have called them in. Could have brought the sharks inshore and they wanted to feed. Defiently sounds like there was more than one though. Wow my sympathy goes out to all her family and friends, ro have something that bad happen to her.
My Sympathy to the family. I just read that this was a Bull Shark attack and that they are bad this time of year. So if you dive or swim stay close to your buddy, he or she may need your help, and never be out there by yourself.
In most cases they say that during that time of day the sharks come into shallower waters to feed. Also I guess during that time of year there are more Bull Sharks in those waters, coupled with the fact that the storm had stirred up the waters making them murky. Sharks mistake people for their normal food all the time because they can't see them clearly in the murky water (So experts believe). But, having said that, it sure didn't stop them from tearing the poor girl apart. Perhaps had it been one shark, she might have lived to talk about it. But it's the strangest thing watching sharks get into a frenzy, once blood is in the water they turn from cute furry Gizmo to Evil Gremlins!!!

:hai: :11:
what "time of the day" and "time of the year" do sharks feed on? are there specific times we should be more careful cuse' the sharks get more aggresive? since i m located in australia as well, i thought it would help if i had the knowledge about these often misunderstood creatures. sympathy for the family.
prayers to her family and friends....
I have every sympathy with the family of the deceased swimmer - her fate was dreadful. But let's not forget who was in who's territory and do what we can to avoid the usual hysteria about sharks that leads to pointless and unnecessary killing of a beautiful creature with a legitimate place in the ecosystem. A news story on this death mentioned that only ten Australians have succumbed to sharks in the last 5 years. Many more die on their roads every week, but there's no outcry about cars!

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