Ok, here's something a bit different - and traditional music with it - a traditional Cossack song:
Under a willow tree, yoy, a green one,
A wounded Cossack lay.
Yeah, yeah, oyda, under a green one,
A wounded Cossack lay.
A bird flew along, oy, a raven,
And started cawing over the bush.
Ay, above him hovered a black raven,
Sensing an easy snack.
Don't you caw, oy, you black raven, over my head
Yeah, yeah, oyda, black raven
I, Cossack, am still alive.
Fly over, you black raven, to my father, mother - to my home
Yeah, give this blood - soaked shirt of mine to my young wife.
You tell her, oy, black raven, that I have married another.
Yeah, that I have found a bride for myself - a field by the river.
And the wedding was a quiet one, modest, under the willow - tree bush.
Yeah, oyda, quiet, modest one, under a willow - tree bush.
The matchmaker was the sharp sabre;
The damask bayonet was the witness.
Yeah, oyda, sharp sabre,
the damask bayonet was the witness.
A bullet married us quickly;
and we united in marriage in mother Earth.
Yeah, oyda, a fast bullet
and we united in marriage in mother Earth.