Quite simply:
G/S Series Camera Mode--Camera Flash Mode--- Preflash--Inon S/D Series Magnet Switch--Inon S Op Mode-- Inon D Op Mode
Program----------------------------- Auto --------------Yes -------------NA ------------------------------sTTL ---------------sTTL
Auto Tv/Auto Av ----------------Default Auto ---------Yes -------------NA ------------------------------sTTL ---------------sTTL
Auto Tv/Auto Av ----------------Default Auto ---------Yes -------------Remove Magnet -----------------NA ----------------EA
Auto Tv/Auto Av ----------------Select Manual --------No -------------Install Magnet -------------------Manual -----------Manual or EA
Manual ----------------------------- Manual ------------No -------------Install Magnet -------------------Manual -----------Manual or EA
Like I said, I will not enter the name calling and negative aspersions.
Why use sTTL in camera Manual and camera Manual stone selected, yeah, it will work and the slaved S2000 will exactly mimic the camera strobe set at whatever Manual power setting it is selected to but you could, I suppose, vary the S2000 output with the knob to plus or minus. If you wanted to, if that is what the argumentative is, do not know why that would be useful except in cameras that have Auto TTL flash in Manual exposure mode.
---------- Post Merged at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 06:54 PM ----------
I think I figured out what is going on by testing against a mirror.
In camera Manual mode with the camera flash set in Manual (and choose power level) and then setting the Inon S2000 in sTTL, the S2000 is expecting a pre flash. In sTTL it is always expecting a pre flash. The S2000 sees the camera strobe go off which set in Manual does not fire a pre flash and the S2000 fires it's first "ACC" preflash and then never seeing the second flash fires a weak second "exposure" flash. Of course, the camera does not know all that is going on simply being set in Manual, the S2000 slaves that single camera flash event and that is what is making the exposure, the S2000's ACC preflash. By the time it fires the second flash the camera shutter is closed though I suspect slow shutter speeds might ghost seeing parts of two flash events.
Then, next, when shooting camera in a preflash producing mode (Auto, Program etc) and the S2000 in Manual without the magnet switch activated, all is well because the S2000 does expect the preflash and of course the camera gives one so the S2000 is a happy camper.
Maybe, dunno, not sure it is worth thinking that hard on actually. Sort of like this:
From the Underwater Photography Guide:
"Using the strobe in Manual Mode"
"When the Inon S2000 is used in manual mode (turn the left switch to "M"), the magnet switch is used to tell the strobe whether to ignore pre-flashes or not. Normally the magnet is not inserted into the hole, but when using Canon point and shoot cameras like the Canon S90, G10, or G11 on manual mode, you want to insert the magnet, and set the Canon flash power to it's lowest setting. This is because Canon compact cameras do not preflash or support TTL when in manual mode."
For what it is worth.
---------- Post Merged on August 1st, 2012 at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous Post was on July 31st, 2012 at 06:54 PM ----------