Here's an anagram I was taught:
Lucky Diver Can Have My Gas.
L - locate (the reg by carefully grabbing the hose with your right hand)
D - donate (the reg by shoving it towards the diver, letting him put it in his mouth)
C - clear (the long hose by running your hand down it, freeing it and deploying it fully, making sure by giving it a little tug)
H - housekeep (donee clips off his long hose, doner checks gas and shows buddy)
M - make (a decision. Decide what to do.)
G - Go. (get out of there!)
Lucky Diver Can Have My Gas.
L - locate (the reg by carefully grabbing the hose with your right hand)
D - donate (the reg by shoving it towards the diver, letting him put it in his mouth)
C - clear (the long hose by running your hand down it, freeing it and deploying it fully, making sure by giving it a little tug)
H - housekeep (donee clips off his long hose, doner checks gas and shows buddy)
M - make (a decision. Decide what to do.)
G - Go. (get out of there!)