Suggestion Senior Divers Forum

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Here for my friends.....
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Kyushu, Japan
As we get older there are some things that just don't work quite the same as they did. (and I'm NOT just talking about things that be fixed by viagra!!! :eyebrow:)

Things slowly change, and can affect our lives - including diving.

I propose a new private forum for people over the age of 50 to talk about and discuss any issues that age brings with it regarding diving, and associated stuff......

And I mean private...... there are some things younger people probably can't really understand until they've put in the years....

I said 50....but that's actually negotiable if folks have other ideas. I'm not averse to younger people having access if they have something to bring to the table - medical backgrounds.... experience in elderly care or similar issues with "seniors"...whatever.

I'm just not interested in a peanut gallery if I want to have a talk about getting up to pee in the night on a liveaboard.....or some such issue.
Denial works for me
"As we get older there are some things that just don't work quite the same as they did. " uh, speak for yourself :D Just kidding. Actually, I think this is a great idea. That would be interesting and helpful .You're very right, our bodies change as we age and I would like to know what those changes mean, as a diver. Getting up to tinkle a few times a night is one big reason I will not do a liveaboard :( Kim, you get my vote on this.

50 is a perfect age to start with. I'll bet there will be zero ladies signing up for this forum :wink:

As we get older there are some things that just don't work quite the same as they did. (and I'm NOT just talking about things that be fixed by viagra!!! :eyebrow:)

Things slowly change, and can affect our lives - including diving.

I propose a new private forum for people over the age of 50 to talk about and discuss any issues that age brings with it regarding diving, and associated stuff......

And I mean private...... there are some things younger people probably can't really understand until they've put in the years....

I said 50....but that's actually negotiable if folks have other ideas. I'm not averse to younger people having access if they have something to bring to the table - medical backgrounds.... experience in elderly care or similar issues with "seniors"...whatever.

I'm just not interested in a peanut gallery if I want to have a talk about getting up to pee in the night on a liveaboard.....or some such issue.
Denial works for me
It only goes so far. In case anyone wonders what brought this sudden thought on........ Terry Prachett (author of Diskworld) announced today that he has early onset Alzheimers - he's 59 - two years older than me.

I must admit I was quite shocked, and it occured to me that others might have all manner of problems they might just be too scared to talk about. Who knows? Let's face it - there comes a day when Speedo's REALLY don't work any more! :D

It's just a suggestion......
How about depth and age? Why and when should you stop going deep? What is considered deep for a 60 year old, a 50 year old, etc? One BIG reaon I got nitrox cert, it was recommended to me because I was over 50, was age and nitrogen loading. This would be a fine thread idea. Peter could tell us all what it's like to be a 70 year old and still diving.:eyebrow:

It only goes so far. In case anyone wonders what brought this sudden thought on........ Terry Prachett (author of Diskworld) announced today that he has early onset Alzheimers - he's 59 - two years older than me.

I must admit I was quite shocked, and it occured to me that others might have all manner of problems they might just be too scared to talk about. Who knows? Let's face it - there comes a day when Speedo's REALLY don't work any more! :D

It's just a suggestion......
How about depth and age? Why and when should you stop going deep? What is considered deep for a 60 year old, a 50 year old, etc? One BIG reaon I got nitrox cert, it was recommended to me because I was over 50, was age and nitrogen loading. This would be a fine thread idea. Peter could tell us all what it's like to be a 70 year old and still diving.:eyebrow:
There's probably a lot of things that are different as you get older. That's the whole point.
Great idea for a sub-forum. I am female and was not certified until I was 53. I will be 61 next month I'm still enjoying diving. I think it is about time I look into nitrox training.
As we get older there are some things that just don't work quite the same as they did. (and I'm NOT just talking about things that be fixed by viagra!!! :eyebrow:)

Things slowly change, and can affect our lives - including diving.

I propose a new private forum for people over the age of 50 to talk about and discuss any issues that age brings with it regarding diving, and associated stuff......

And I mean private...... there are some things younger people probably can't really understand until they've put in the years....

I said 50....but that's actually negotiable if folks have other ideas. I'm not averse to younger people having access if they have something to bring to the table - medical backgrounds.... experience in elderly care or similar issues with "seniors"...whatever.

I'm just not interested in a peanut gallery if I want to have a talk about getting up to pee in the night on a liveaboard.....or some such issue.
I'm in! :D
great idea i'd participate - did not get certified until i was 50
have had hernia operation, hip replacement and now prostate removal
since then and still diving strong -did 3 100 ft dives in 59 deg water 5 weeks
after my surgery

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