Seeking dive buddy to go to Alor

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500 - 999
I am seeking a buddy/partner( hopefully a wonderful man:) to go diving on high-end live aboards and land resorts in Indonesia, Maldives, Philippines , warm water destinations two to three times a year. Must be experienced, photographer a bonus, I'm going to Alor in mid-October.
I live in SF Bay area.
Sincere inquiries only please.
Sorry couldnt help but take the bait. Jokes aside, I actually do the same - am a single traveller, photographer and do a few dive trips a year. Usually looking for another likeminded diver to share costs rather than pay single supplements.

Just did a liveaboard in Maldives, then GBR last year. Next week off to Malapascua, Moalboal Philippines. Have already hooked up with a couple of Sboarders for this trip. This May booked for Bunaken and Lembeh.

Not sure what will pan out for the end of the year as yet. I did have tentative plans for Palau in October. Not sure if I will have enough leave credits at this stage. Just pm for additional details or stay in touch.

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