I also prefer alternate inflation regulators for their streamlining value.
If you look at Seaquests air way with Airsource you'll see that it is longer than your current hose with inflator, and has the remote exhaust grip in the middle. This may be the best way for you to upgrade your BC. The length of the hose without it may restrict you from looking straight ahead with an AIR in your mouth. (They all somewhat restrict a right side head turn, but thats the price for reducing clutter; worth it in my opinion.) My memory as a former SQ dealer is that they can probably sell you the whole airway for the about the same price as taking yours apart and adding the other pieces necessary to convert it.
Other manufacturers generally use a little longer corrugated hose than the standard Seaquest and to date I have not seen a set up quite like theirs. The Airsource has a curved flange that is slightly smaller than standard and it matches their hose nicely.
For special applications requiring less drag, some of us tech dive a little differently than the general doubles and two front mount stage configuration.
FL Zeagle Rep.