SeaQuest Pro Unlimited/ Pro QD+

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Western Canada
I am looking for a jacket style BC for both cold and warm waters.

I would be interested in hearing your views on the SeaQuest Pro Unlimited or the Pro QD+.

If you like it, or if you don't, please let me know why.

And , if you prefer another make and model of a jacket style BC, please let me know and your reasons.

Thanks in advance......I appreciate your imput!

Best regards; jbm
I use the Pro-QD on all my open water training dives. The QD has plenty of lift, is comfortable and durable. I especially like it on the surface, where it's floatation characteristics are excellent, and I can devote all my energy to solving student problems without having to worry about my own floating position.
The only thing I think is less than perfect on the Pro-QD is the interference of the integrated weights with the pockets - a common problem with integrated weight BC's.
Personally I solve that by wearing a steel tank and little or no weight.
I use a Pro Unlimited, and I have been very happy with it. The only downside of the UL is it is a little bulky, but that happens with jacket style bcds. To be honest with you, if I was paying retail, I would get one of the 25th anniversary Pro QD+. The SLS on the UL is great, along with the multiset cumberbund, but are those features worth the price difference?
JBM -- use the search function and you'll find at least a couple of threads on these BCs.

BTW, I am a Pro QD owner and am happy with it. I think the Pro UL is is simply a QD with some gimmicks added to it.
Thanks........I appreciate your views on SeaQuest BC's.

And thanks to Large_Diver for pointing out the search function. I'm very new to forums!

Best regards ; jbm
Saw a review on these two in the Scuba Diving magazine as well.

Access to pockets and pocket volume eaten up by weights were found to be their faults.
My family owns three Pro QD's . The best reason is comfort, and adjustablility. I looked at the unlimited. besides another location to the lower dump valve, an added knife, a couple of attatchments. There isnt any good reason I saw to go to the unlimited. I added knives to all of mine. Viola, unlimited, for 25 bucks.
I dive the pro qd in all conditions, and for commercial, instructional and recreational, I would have prefered the pro unlimited, but the cost was too much for me. My opinion seaquest bc's are the best you can buy.
I have a Pro QD and love it. I have put tanks up to single 112s on it with no problems other than needing a longer cam-strap. Even hung a 40 on one side for deco a few times.

Like mentioned above, the only problem I've had in over 2 years on it was having a weight pocket slip out on the safety stop (lucky for me a diver still on the bottom saw it and brought it up with him).

We were doing a bit of shallow wreck penetration and I probably loosened it while squirming through an opening somewhere. It wasn't a big issue as I only had a small amount of weght in it.

I am now in the market for a BP/wings or transpac harness as I'm moving towords the "tech" side of diving but I plan keep the Pro for single tank diving and/or possably pass it on to my nephiew when he gets big enough for it (he is interested in getting certified).
Are there any differences, between the ProQD and ProQD PLus
(except for the two holes)?

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