Dont know what kind of boat your running but I did thousands of dive trips off my little 30 ft Mainship ofut of Gloucester in 3 to 5 ft seas and very rarely did anyone get seasick.
Of couse most all my Dive trips were only 3 to 5 mile trips near shore in under 100 ft water as just about no one around wants to go dive offshore.
I had one fishing trip that we ran out in 4-6 and the weather turned snotty to 8-10 just as we were getting into the fish. The Googans had partied all night and slept in their trucks wandering down the dock drinking cheap bear and eating typical breakfast fare ie: Sausage Subs.Chips etc.
One of the guys was so sick he pucked everywhere and was getting hyporthermic refused to go in the cabin and was soaked from sitting on the stern. He offered me and extra $100 to go back to the docks. His Buddys antied up $200 in cash to keep fishing. This guy doubles it and I brough him back, dropped him off and took his buddys back out fishing. Of course by then the tide had changed and the fish were no longer biting.
A friend was onboard another time and we had been out since the night before to get to a Secreat Tuna Spot.
Latitude: 42-15'30'' N
Longitude: 070-44'44'' W
Well he was feeling Queazzy after eating Bacon & Eggs and Beer at 0Darky Thirty and chopping Herring for Bait. So he pops a couple of my Bennadryil thinking they are sea sick pills annw washes then down with a few Hinecans. Out like a lite. Missed a great day of fishing!
Ginger is always good and canabis is an oldtime Sailors remedy ( But tahts not Koshur)
Of couse most all my Dive trips were only 3 to 5 mile trips near shore in under 100 ft water as just about no one around wants to go dive offshore.
I had one fishing trip that we ran out in 4-6 and the weather turned snotty to 8-10 just as we were getting into the fish. The Googans had partied all night and slept in their trucks wandering down the dock drinking cheap bear and eating typical breakfast fare ie: Sausage Subs.Chips etc.
One of the guys was so sick he pucked everywhere and was getting hyporthermic refused to go in the cabin and was soaked from sitting on the stern. He offered me and extra $100 to go back to the docks. His Buddys antied up $200 in cash to keep fishing. This guy doubles it and I brough him back, dropped him off and took his buddys back out fishing. Of course by then the tide had changed and the fish were no longer biting.

A friend was onboard another time and we had been out since the night before to get to a Secreat Tuna Spot.
Latitude: 42-15'30'' N
Longitude: 070-44'44'' W
Well he was feeling Queazzy after eating Bacon & Eggs and Beer at 0Darky Thirty and chopping Herring for Bait. So he pops a couple of my Bennadryil thinking they are sea sick pills annw washes then down with a few Hinecans. Out like a lite. Missed a great day of fishing!

Ginger is always good and canabis is an oldtime Sailors remedy ( But tahts not Koshur)