I think that the evidence as can be found in this thread, along with all of the other Sea Shepherd threads, is that a substantial percentage of conservation minded people are put off by Paul Watson as well, and that their activities tend to be divisive as far as conservationists are concerned, rather than cohesive. I feel strongly that the most powerful weapon there is against the destruction of our oceans is the illumination of the actions that are destroying by video taping them. I personally feel that the video evidence that the Sea Shepherd brings back would be much more effective if there was an absence of aggressive action on the part of the Sea Shepherd.
Public opinion is ultimately what will drive the changes necessary for the preservation of whales, because public opinion shapes law. I understand that there are many who feel that Japan's laws do not protect the whales, however, we are not in charge of Japan's law's, the Japanese are. There is a growing movement from within Japan to end whaling, however there is, again as evidenced in this thread, a feeling that they are being attacked. The actions of the Sea Shepherd against Japan are having a galvanizing affect, as one might imagine, on public opinion there, and is not helping matters at all. In fact it's detrimental to the cause. I think that evidence of this can be found in Greenpeace's condemnation of Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd, and Greenpeace's efforts to aid the Japanese vessels that Sea Shepherd damaged.
So, in a nutshell, the decision for conservation of whales and the cessation of whaling is a decision that must be made by all nations. We don't rule the world, they will have to make those decisions for themselves. There are only two nations to go before it's unanimous globally. The operations of Sea Shepherd are currently shifting public opinion in these two nations away from this cause. Honestly, I think that Paul Watson is motivated by money and fame, because he must know that his actions are eroding support for conservation in Japan, and that by doing this, that he is killing whales.
Commons sense says you are right, when everyone is playing by the rules, but when one side doe's not play by the rules then what?
As you say public opinion will do it but I don't think Greenpeace is the one that will get the message out to the greater population. Mention Greenpeace in any high school and I bet you would get ???. Mention Sea Shepherd and you will get a few that recognize the name, why because its a action news item.
All board members care about the oceans and are educated as to what is happening to them. But to the greater mass with no interest in the ocean other than maybe a day at the beach they will not want to waste there time with statistics.
Kim interesting analogy, mine only a fool takes a knife to a gun fight. I do believe in fighting fire with fire. You and I have debated this subject angrily at times and I don't think I will ever convince you or you me to change sides but no hard feelings.