I also have the DC310 and a single strobe. My night pics turn out best. I have some difficulty with daytime tho. I think that with ambient lighting it is tricking the strobe into NOT going off. therefore my pics turn out darker. fustrating when I can see the object clearly and in the pic I have to make it out. I have found that sometimes shining my light onto the object helps in some conditions. Is difficult because fish are not so understanding to posing while I change lenses and get strobe positioning.
NWDD do you know what the NEW DC 5 series means when it says "digital strobe" is that what we already have?? and what is that wire connecting the strobe and the camera? is that like a fibre optic or something so that the strobe flashes everytime? Can we adjust our 310's to flash everytime? either post here or pm me.