Agreed, the eagle rays and turtles were very cool. One of the coolest experiences I have had as a diver was in Belize with a turtle. I was between two of the coral heads in about 40 fsw (completely neutral and no current) and a turtle swam right up to me and was just staring at me. He couldn't have been more than a foot away from my mask. I actually started backing up and then he swam off. Huh, now that I think of it, maybe he was like, "Hey buddy, get out of the way" and we were having a stand-off
We had a cool dive up at Hol-Chan. You pretty much could see everything there, including two eagle rays just cruising the channel. We let the current (strong) take us out the channel and then had to swim like crazy to get back. It was well worth the effort.
I can't recommend Tuff Enuff Tours enough. If you are still looking for a dive boat, these are your guys. There is nothing fancy about their boats, no sodas (just water pouches), or snacks, but how accommodating the DMs are more then makes up for that. If you are really lucky, you will get Billy as your DM. He is hands down, the best DM I have ever dove with. Also, about 200 yards off their dock is a very cool chimney that you can swim through. Just tell them you want to go.

We had a cool dive up at Hol-Chan. You pretty much could see everything there, including two eagle rays just cruising the channel. We let the current (strong) take us out the channel and then had to swim like crazy to get back. It was well worth the effort.
I can't recommend Tuff Enuff Tours enough. If you are still looking for a dive boat, these are your guys. There is nothing fancy about their boats, no sodas (just water pouches), or snacks, but how accommodating the DMs are more then makes up for that. If you are really lucky, you will get Billy as your DM. He is hands down, the best DM I have ever dove with. Also, about 200 yards off their dock is a very cool chimney that you can swim through. Just tell them you want to go.