Sea Life Belize

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Dallas, Texas
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0 - 24
This may seem like it belongs in another part of the forums, but i wanted to see what were people favorite creature to see while diving in belize? it doesnt matter really what category it falls under, (flora or fauna) but i just thought it would be intresting?!

also besides what yalls favorite is, what is the most abundant, least abundant, sea creature in belize?
Belize has abundant Whale Sharks March thru july

Belize has Abundant Nurse Sharks and Stingrays all year round

Least abundant is the Lionfish lets hope it stays that way

Dive Safe

One of my favorite things I saw in Belize was a dinner plate sized Feather Duster.

Of course, I didn't see a whale shark......
Hmm...well, I'm easily amused by fish and sea creatures so nothing too exotic like whale sharks. I'm very much a sea turtle fanatic so I'd have to say turtles as being my favorite. A close second would be parrot fish followed by manta rays, spotted eagle rays and sharks (of all kinds).

As far as the most and least abundant goes, while I was there we saw a ton of blue tangs and spotted eagle rays and very few turtles. We also only saw one puffer and only a couple eels. Could just be that we didn't dive in the right spots to see them though.:)
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Oh thats awesome! Im really hoping to see many sea turtles on my trip! When i went to cayman i saw alot of them, and stringrays. But ive never seen any sharks in the wild haha. So i have great expectations for Belize!

Is spearfishing allowed or encouraged there?
Is spearfishing allowed or encouraged there?


Granted, there may be *somewhere* that you can...but not that I heard of. They're very strict on protecting the reef system and critters, as they should be.
I really enjoyed the number of Eagle Rays. I've seen them all over but not in the abundance that I saw in Belize - and multiples of 2 at a time. I was diving from San Perdo but I would truly like to get to Turneffe some day.
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About my favorite thing to see diving is CLEANING STATIONS. I don't care what species of cleaners or cleanees - groupers lined up with little shrimp crawling in and out of their mouths, huge barracuda sitting patiently open-mouthed with wrasse doing the cleaning - sweet!

I like seeing rays and turtles and sharks, too, but it's the smaller stuff that interests me the most.

Granted, there may be *somewhere* that you can...but not that I heard of. They're very strict on protecting the reef system and critters, as they should be.

Yes i agree. Protecting the life in these beautiful coral reefs is SO important. However, spearfishing or fishing with a line is the most conservative and Eco-conscious way of catching/eating fish, compared with commercial fishing and such.

But i am very anxious to dive Belize! Are mantas a very common sight?
It is Illegal to spearfish with scuba gear and its is not encouraged even snorkeling although the locals do do it but it is not promoted for tourism and rightly so.

Turtles are abundant starting around this time and I have dove many times off AMbergris and seen turltes mating on the surface, we would see at least 2 on every dive.

also Eagles rays are abundant and I was lucky enough a few years ago to get to hand feed 2 tames ones which is extrmely rare as normally you see the rear end of them as they are swimming away.

Dive Safe


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