The regulator is two-years old (one owner) and has been on a total of three dive trips. It is in excellent condition, but as with any dive gear, it should be serviced before it is put back into service. This regulator has a factory installed braided hose which reduces pull on your mouth while diving.
Regulator Features: This regulator has a balanced diaphragm first stage and pneumatically balanced second stage. The first stage has 2 high-pressure ports and a swivel body with 4 low-pressure ports. The second stage has an adjustment knob that allows you to fine-tune the airflow plus a venturi assist switch that goes from the pre-dive position to a dive position to prevent free flow.
I am asking $100 plus $10 shipping (FedEx tracking) via PayPal.
Regulator Features: This regulator has a balanced diaphragm first stage and pneumatically balanced second stage. The first stage has 2 high-pressure ports and a swivel body with 4 low-pressure ports. The second stage has an adjustment knob that allows you to fine-tune the airflow plus a venturi assist switch that goes from the pre-dive position to a dive position to prevent free flow.
I am asking $100 plus $10 shipping (FedEx tracking) via PayPal.