Sea Eagle inflatable?

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Treasure Island, FLa.
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Does anyone know anything about Sea Eagle inflatable's, I do alot of camping so I need a boat which can store down and be transported easy. I was wondering about how good the quality is. I have already been on their website, not the same as first hand information. The use would be mainly salt water, close in shore diving and back rivers. (Fla. and NJ) Thanks for any help.
I have/had a friend with a seaeagle and it was a pretty nice little boat,he had it for a long time an it held up great.I bought a new inflatable off a guy on ebay they are called baltic boats and to be honest it is as good as a seaeagle and better than the westmarine inflatables made by zodiac at a cheaper price.I had to see the boat before I bought it(25 min from my house) because I couldnt believe the price difference and I love the thing. type in baltic inflatable on the ebay search he has from 7' up to14 or so. For the price you cant go wrong
Thanks for the information I will check them out, I am also going to still go and check out seaeagle as like you they are only about one hour away.

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