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Reaction score
Tampa, FL
# of dives
200 - 499
Earlier this week, I ordered 2 HP 119's from They were the best price I found anywhere, and with the 10% SB member discount, the price couldn't be beat. Even shipping was VERY reasonable considering that they are, well, big steel tanks.

Anyhow, they shipped same day, arrived in the time they said they would, packed very solidly. When I looked at the hydro date on the tanks, they were 2.5 years ago. Now, I know they are fine, and they had a vis sticker from this month, but jeez, I'm gonna have to hydro them a lot sooner than I would think for new tanks.

I called ScubaToys to ask if it was common for the hydros to be that old, and they were great. They offered to refund the cost of my first hydro's on the tanks, no questions asked. The guy I spoke with, Wayne I think, also apologized more than once. I told him I was just happy for their offer and the great service, and he said he was sorry it even happened in the first place.

This was my first purchase from ScubaToys based on lots of good feedback here. They now have a customer for life.

I was just reading a thread today where some brick and mortar LDS was whining about customers shopping online and it being the downfall of civilization. Bottom line is this, with service from a place like ScubaToys, why would I NOT shop with them?

I'm getting ready for my Cave training in the next few weeks and need some things. I know where I'll be shopping.

Anyhow, we always hear what's wrong with the industry, just thought I'd take a moment to post what's RIGHT!!
Simply said....they're the best!! I have dealt with them on several items and always get great help and great service. And of course great prices!!
My experience with ... well let's start with I ordered a few sale items 3 days ago and 2 days ago the items were delivered to my door. I realized that I live close but how wonderful to get my order the next day.

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