ScubaPro X-Tek SuperTek (M/L) and DiveRite TransPak II (S)

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Stringer Bell

Reaction score
West Palm Beach
# of dives
200 - 499
$300 X-Tek ScubaPro Super Tek, size M/L


$250 DiveRite TransPak II, size S

Ah, the X-Tek... my all time favorite, and looks to be in great condition. Too bad I already own three of them and they will last me for the rest of my life (I'm only on my first one, used over a period of 10 years). I'm a BIG man (250 lbs and 6' 1") but the M/L actually fits me nicely. I would have been tempted if it had a Trav-Tek wing!
I saw your collection post before, nice mild case of hoarding :)

Price drop $275 xtek, $225 transpak
I saw your collection post before, nice mild case of hoarding :)

I don't see it as hoarding when I'll eventually use all three of them myself... just a case of liking a product very much and knowing it is no longer available except through sellers like yourself. Just added a Hog 32# wing to my current X-Tek thanks to Indian Valley SCUBA. Working like a charm.

Hope some lucky soul buys yours!

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