Don't knock the ladyhawk till you try it... minus this fixable problem, this is by FAR the most comfortable BC I have ever used. I love it and it FITS!!! (Unlike trying to wear a Men's small!)
I will never give this one up even if they have to replace the buckles for me one time....
I also love the weight clip system. If you have to use a lot of weights for chilly water and lots of neoprene a velcro only weight pouch can undo itself, but the clips are easy to undo and can't come undone with a lot of weight on their own.
My 2 cents this is a fantastic BC
the chest straps buckles can be replaced
My hips are singing the praises of no weight belt and I am MUCH more comfortable underwater when I don't have to worry about an ill-fitting BC 
Hope that helps!
I will never give this one up even if they have to replace the buckles for me one time....
I also love the weight clip system. If you have to use a lot of weights for chilly water and lots of neoprene a velcro only weight pouch can undo itself, but the clips are easy to undo and can't come undone with a lot of weight on their own.
My 2 cents this is a fantastic BC

Hope that helps!