I went into my local dive shop and he gave me four hp seats for 5$ a piece. I left the regs in vinegar and simple green overnight. They came out looking brand new, with the exception of a few spots where the chrome was eaten away by bad corrosion. Tonight I am going to disassemble the reg and clean the interior as well. Is there anywhere I can find the torque amount for the mk15?
You really need to do some reading before you take misunderstood bits of information about regulator service and use it to destroy perfectly good regulars. Vinegar is an acid. Acids eat metals. Soaking a regulator in a vinegar solution (50/50) is a common way to remove verdigris. In most cases, a 3 to 5 minute soak will do the job. In extreme cases, you might have to go 10 to 15 minutes but that is pretty extreme and you should be asking how bad is it leaving a little verdigris. Long (overnight) soaks just give that acid enough time to start working on the chrome plating and the metals it is supposed to be protecting.
Some chrome may be compromised by bad user maintenance. And some chrome is compromised by inept service.
Torque specs in [inch pounds]: http://www.scubaproregulatormuseum.org/MK_15.JPG