Yes, I own that BC, several of them in different sizes. It's what I wear and it's what I teach my students in. I never concern myself with colors. Use the colors you like. I keep a small flashlight in my pocket, I've never lost one. The velcroe hold them closed fairly well, A zipper would be more secure, but also more subject to failure requiring expensive repair. I have a knife attached to the inflator hose. The BC waist belt has a left hand release, the weight belt is a right hand release. No way to confuse them. I'm very comfortable in my BC.
Full foot fins are a bad idea. You aren't wearing a boot, so you have no foot protection when the fin is off. Also, with open heel fins, you can loop them over your wrists to climb the ladder. If you slip, you still have your fins.
Hi viz fins aren't an issue even in low viz water. If your students are looking at your fins, you aren't in a position to be watching them. I dive low viz and have been teaching with my Jets for a long time. It's not an issue. Try them both in a pool before you buy, you'll like the fine control, power and flexibilty of kicking styles availble to you with the Jets. You'll also like the fact they are a great deal cheaper and last forever.
Yes, I own that BC, several of them in different sizes. It's what I wear and it's what I teach my students in. I never concern myself with colors. Use the colors you like. I keep a small flashlight in my pocket, I've never lost one. The velcroe hold them closed fairly well, A zipper would be more secure, but also more subject to failure requiring expensive repair. I have a knife attached to the inflator hose. The BC waist belt has a left hand release, the weight belt is a right hand release. No way to confuse them. I'm very comfortable in my BC.
Full foot fins are a bad idea. You aren't wearing a boot, so you have no foot protection when the fin is off. Also, with open heel fins, you can loop them over your wrists to climb the ladder. If you slip, you still have your fins.
Hi viz fins aren't an issue even in low viz water. If your students are looking at your fins, you aren't in a position to be watching them. I dive low viz and have been teaching with my Jets for a long time. It's not an issue. Try them both in a pool before you buy, you'll like the fine control, power and flexibilty of kicking styles availble to you with the Jets. You'll also like the fact they are a great deal cheaper and last forever.