All Crew Members,
We realize that everyone has multiple questions about the SURGE event in January. There is NOBODY that has more questions than me. However quite frankly, I do have a magic 8 ball but not a crystal ball. Anyone claiming to have all the answers right now IMO is guessing.
I totally understand that Crew Members want the latest information but many things can change with Governments, Airlines, Immigration rules and last be not least how Covid 19 is before this event. Please be patient, SB and Bay Adventures along with the resort are monitoring the situation.
Any important news about this event will be posted here on this thread and you will be emailed with any details.
On a brighter note, news reports today say that the FDA has authorized a Saliva test that the NBA has been using. It promises low cost and quick result time. I guess time will tell but if true could come in handy for travel